Qualify for Commissions: Complete Your Training

To market or sell MVP Health Plans, or to receive commissions (including renewal commissions) from MVP, you must pass all relevant certifications.

Which Certifications Must I Take?

To figure out which certifications you must take, you need to know the company you work for.

If you work for Alight, Mercer, or WTW / Willis Towers Watson, skip to the appropriate section below.

If you don’t work for one of those companies, review the section below called Most Brokers.

  • Most Brokers

    If you are not employed by Alight, Mercer, or WTW / Willis Towers Watson, you must complete trainings for all products you wish to sell. For instance, if you wish to sell Direct Bill Medicare Plans, you must complete Direct Bill Product Training. If you wish to sell Employer Group Medicare Plans, you must complete Employer Group Product Training. If you wish to sell both, you must complete both trainings.

    In addition, if you don’t have an AHIP Certificate, you must complete Medicare Basics Training.

    You only need to complete trainings for the plan year you wish to sell. For instance, if you only want to sell 2024 plans, you only need to complete 2024 plan year trainings.


    Direct Bill Training

    Mandatory unless you work for Alight, Mercer, or WTW (Willis Towers Watson).


    Employer Group Product Training


    Medicare Basics Training

    Mandatory unless you have an AHIP certificate.

  • Alight, Mercer, and WTW (Willis Towers Watson) Brokers

    If you are employed by Alight, Mercer, or WTW (Willis Towers Watson), you must complete National Medicare Exchanges Training. There are no other trainings you must complete, regardless of your AHIP status.

    You only need to complete training for the plan year you wish to sell. For instance, if you only want to sell 2024 plans, you only need to complete 2024 training.


    National Medicare Exchanges Training

Need Help? 

Contact Broker Customer Service at 888-819-2132 or MVPMedicareBrokers@mvphealthcare.com.