Meet your MVP Care Team

When you sign on for an MVP DualAccess Plan, you not only gain all of the benefits of Medicare and Medicaid, you also get your own personal Care Team. You can think of your MVP Care Team as your very own group of experts to help guide you through your health journey.

Hear from real members of the MVP Care Team!

MVP has good people – my care team especially. They treat you so well, with courtesy.
— MVP DualAccess Member
People at MVP treat you like you’re their own family and relate with you, and you enjoy calling them.
— MVP DualAccess Member

Your MVP Care Team is made up of a few types of care professionals:

  • Registered Nurse Care Manager (RNCM)
  • Community Service Care Coordinator (CSCC)
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
  • Pharmacist 

How can each type of care professional on my team assist me?

Registered Nurse Care Manager (RNCM)

  • If you have questions regarding a recent change in your health status

Community Service Care Coordinator (CSCC)

  • If you need assistance setting up doctor appointments
  • If you have questions about how to access or use your American Logistics transportation benefit
  • If you have questions about your Nations monthly allowance benefit

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

  • If you have any behavioral health needs
  • If you have questions about connecting to any counseling services


  • If you have any questions regarding your medications

You can also talk to your Care Team about:

  • Questions about claims
  • Questions about how to use other benefits such as dental, vision, hearing
  • Questions about how to redeem your Be Well Rewards card

Note: Your Care Team wants you to feel as supported as possible! To speak with any of these members, call 1-866-954-1872 (TTY711)

What can I expect from my care team when I enroll as an MVP DualAccess Member?

Within 30 days of enrollment your care coordinator will reach out to complete your member welcome call. This call usually takes about 1 hour. On your welcome call, you can expect to complete the Health Risk Assessment Survey, sometimes called an HRA Survey.

During the HRA survey, you and your care coordinator will go over:

  • Any existing health conditions
  • Your current medications
  • Your health history
  • Current medical conditions and how to best manage those
  • Any immediate housing or community resource needs.

What’s next after the welcome call?

Within 60 days after you complete your welcome call, your care manager will reach out to set up a meeting with you, your doctor, and the members of your care team. You’re also able to have a trusted care giver attend this meeting with you if you would like. Your care manager will be either a registered nurse, a clinical social worker, or a community health worker. You’re able to access each of these members of your team at any time, however one of them will take the lead as your care manager. You’re able to speak to your care manager at any time, and we encourage you to call in when you have changes to your health.

What can I expect during my meeting with my care team?

  • You’ll review the HRA survey you completed with your care coordinator
  • You’ll be able to discuss in person any concerns or needs that you mentioned in your welcome call
  • You’ll work together with your doctor and care team to create a customized care plan which allows you to successfully manage your health. You will be able to design and choose what’s in your care plan and change the care plan as your health journey changes. 

MVP Health Plan, Inc. is an HMO-POS/PPO/HMO D-SNP organization with a Medicare contract and a contract with the New York State Medicaid program. Enrollment in MVP Health Plan depends on contract renewal. This plan is a dual eligible special needs plan (D-SNP). Your ability to enroll will be based on verification that you are entitled to both Medicare and medical assistance from a state plan under Medicaid. For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings, call 1-800-324-3899 (TTY 711). MVP Health Plan, Inc. complies with Federal civil rights laws. MVP Health Plan, Inc. does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity). ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-844-946-8010 (TTY 711). 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-844-946-8010 (TTY 711).

Last Updated: 2/7/25