Published July 2024

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection affects about 85% of the US population and can cause six types of cancer including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal, and throat, as well as genital warts. 

The HPV vaccine, which is recommended to children and adolescents between nine and 12 years old, is safe and extremely effective in preventing HPV infections and related cancers.

How Can Providers Aid Cancer Prevention?

  • Talk to parents or guardians about the importance of the HPV vaccine to reduce the risk of HPV-related cancers. Here are Tips for Talking to Parents About HPV Vaccines
  • Recommend starting the HPV series start at age nine, schedule follow up shots while the child is still in the office.
  • Follow up with parents and guardians to ensure vaccination series completion.  
  • For additional strategies visit

Watch a short video about the Nine Benefits of Starting the HPV Vaccine Series at Age Nine, created by The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Cancer Society, and The National HPV Vaccination Roundtable. Nationally, 1 in 5 Providers are already administering the HPV vaccine at ages 9 to 10 and half are willing to recommend it at age 9. Be the difference, protect your patients from HPV related cancers.

Need More Support Addressing HPV Vaccination?

Check out the Improving Cancer Screenings and Prevention page on the MVP website.

Back to School Checklist: Asthma Action Plans

Each summer, MVP mails an Asthma Action Plan to school age kids in a Medicaid (NY) or Commercial (NY, VT) plan. Members are encouraged to complete the action plan, keep a copy for themselves, and share copies with their doctor and with their school. Our goal is to educate Members on the importance of completing an asthma action plan, while ensuring school staff understand how they can help our young Members in the event of an asthma attack.

Your patients living with asthma may have questions or ask for input in completing their action plan. As always, we appreciate your support and guidance of our Members.

Important Updates

Review other articles in this issue regarding important updates.