doctor explaining to patient

Published July 2024

Providers understand the value of comprehensive, organized medical records, updated in real time, but do your patients knowhow it can improve their health care?

Patient engagement and education are crucial to their understanding of the impact of their consent choices when they decide to enroll in a regional Health Information Exchange (HIE).

Below are some talking points that Providers should use to encourage patients to enroll in a local HIE.

Whenever (your patient) needs to go to an Emergency Department, Urgent Care, or a new Doctor’s office, your caregivers need to know:

  • Current/previous health conditions 
  • Prior medical tests and their results
  • Medications prescribed 
  • Medication allergies or side effects
  • Other specialists on patients’health care team

The benefits of accurate, up-to-date information include:

  • Reduced risk of medical errors
  • Reduced risk of drug interactions
  • Fewer repeated tests and duplicate charges reduces the cost of care 
  • Easier second opinions
  • Physicians can send and receive referrals, and share test results and other important information to help improve the coordination between your entire health care team

Additional Information and Resources for Your Patients

MVP has additional information about the benefits of the Health Information Exchange on our website and lists local HIE’s in New York and Vermont. Please encourage your patients to sign upand add another important component to their overall health and wellness.

MVP Process Updates

Review other articles in this issue regarding MVP process updates.